Engaging more women in positive HPV screening experiences
Women are amazing, and so are vaginas. Yet in 2019, one in four UK women did not attend their cervical screening appointment.
Sukha is a design exploration to engage more women in positive HPV screening experiences. The aim of Sukha is to break down the barriers that prevent women from attending their cervical screening; such as a lack of knowledge, a lack of body confidence and the feeling of being disconnected from the process.
We believe there is an opportunity to engage more women through familiarity, trust and empowerment and we’ve developed three concepts under those opportunities that aim to provide an approachable, accessible and holistic offering in women’s health and wellness.
Sukha (Su-kha) is a Sandskrit word meaning happiness, ease, or bliss. It’s literal translation is “good space,” coming from the Sanskrit words, su (good) and kha (space).